Well, hello there! I am so happy that you have found my little place on the internet. Welcome! This is my blog. No, not a beauty blog or a blog about fashion. This blog is about movies and series. But that is not the only thing. I would like to write about some other subjects too, like photography, travelling and lifestyle. So don't be surprised to see some posts that have something to do with those subjects!

I love to watch movies and series and decided to start my own blog. I am always searching for new movies to watch and I know for sure I am not the only one. So, for all the movie and series lovers out there, you have found the perfect place to search for new things to watch. And sometimes I will switch it up with another subject!

I am going to write in two languages: English and Dutch. This is because I am Dutch, but I like English very much and I also want to reach a bigger audience. The Dutch blogging will be on another blog: www.letsblogmovies.blogspot.com . So, I will be writing a lot of reviews about movies and also series, photography and more. I hope you will enjoy it!


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